Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Who is this Guy? even Russia doesn't respect him!

1. Oh what a tangled web we weave...
It isn't hard to imagine the gnawing anxiety that AKA OBAMA lives with, day in and day out. Much has been written about AKA OBAMA's behavior that reminds mental health experts and others of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder.) A frequent manifestation of such a disorder is The Narcissist, as Liar and Con-man.
This disorder is frequently misunderstood as "self-love." A more accurate understanding is love of a reflection of one's self. Abused, abandoned and neglected children will compensate for damaged egos by creating an ideal reflection of themselves that they then embellish and vigorously defend. A person with NPD is quite capable of a mind twisting position like, "I have nothing to hide, but I am hiding things anyway." AKA OBAMA certainly fits the model of having such a childhood. While I am not in the position to deliver an official In Absentia diagnosis of a full strength NPD case, many of the indicators are present.
If AKA OBAMA were not in a position of public trust, most of us would probably overlook such deception and secrecy. For those of us who care about our Constitution and the rule of law, the issue becomes clear in this article that appeared in on-line Pravda by international columnist Mark S. McGrew, The Mysterious Shadow: Code Name Obama. Most Americans do not want their president to be secretive about his past. However, if one is living a lie to preserve the ego compensating, idealized reflection of self, one will go to great lengths to hide things that most would routinely reveal.
For the person who has NPD tendencies, the lies used to create the reflection become so numerous that eventually the man in the mirror cracks, and so does the real human being hiding behind the reflection.
A useful tool in evaluating things that are not known with certainty is Occam's razor. When multiple competing hypotheses are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the hypothesis that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities. It is in this sense that Occam's razor is usually understood. I condense this to the simple question: what is most likely? In our discussion of the documents which AKA has hidden, most of this article is an examination of which explanation is most likely.
For example, which is most likely;
(a) AKA OBAMA is hiding documents that are innocuous?
(b) AKA OBAMA is hiding documents that are damaging?
What we know with certainty is that AKA OBAMA is not practicing the virtue of full disclosure. " The biggest question, and the biggest reason for asking more questions, is the fact Obama has enlisted law firms across the nation to battle every attempt to access, among other documents, his birth, schooling, immigration or passport records." New Jersey attorney Mario Apuzzo
There are so many potential sources that can end AKA OBAMA's Presidency that it is impossible to keep them all quiet. It's just a matter of time. As columnist Davvy Kidd says, IMPOSTOR PRESIDENT OBAMA: VICTORY WILL BE SHORT LIVED. First, let's think of all the lawyers and support staff involved in keeping the birth certificate issue quiet. Isn't it likely that some of them know what they are hiding? Isn't it likely that several people at the Hawaiian Department of Public Health know what is, or is not, on the original birth certificate that AKA OBAMA refuses to release? Did you know that there is a one million dollar reward offered for AKA OBAMA's Hawaiian birth certificate?
2. Please get this straight:
Hawaiian officials have not validated AKA OBAMA's place of birth. What they have said is that they "have the original document" on file. They haven't offered a clue as to what information is in that document nor have they said what kind of birth certificate is on file; a conventional birth certificate issued by a hospital with a doctor's signature or the kind of birth certificate issued by Hawaii on the basis of an affidavit? The Hawaiian officials are not part of a cover-up. They can not legally validate what is on that document without a court order or permission from "our" Chicago con-man. Recently a Hawaiian government official stepped over the legal line and overtly stated that AKA Obama's "vital records" showed that he was born in Hawaii. It is entirely possible for the "vital records" of Hawaii to show than a person was born in Hawaii when in fact that person could have been born elsewhere.
Laws of the Territory of Hawaii ACT 96 To Provide For The Issuance Of Certificates Of Hawaiian Birth was in effect from 1911 until 1972 and allowed someone who was born outside the Hawaiian Islands to be registered as though he were born in Hawaii. Under that law, someone simply would have presented herself to the Hawaiian authorities and declared that the child was born in Hawaii. The person could have sworn under oath and presented witnesses and other evidence. If the authorities accepted it, that was the end of it. All a person had to do was file a false statement and Hawaii took them at their word.
One could not just say "My kid was born in Des Moines but I want him to have a Hawaiian birth record". But if you lied no investigation was conducted to validate your claim and the Hawaiian birth record was issued no questions asked.
Knowledge of this practice was wide spreadand there are probably thousands of people who obtained Hawaiian birth records between 1911 and 1972 through the process of affidavits and witnesses rather than hospitals and delivery doctors.
One high profile example of the Hawaiian birth certificate policy was the president of the first Chinese republic. Sun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866 to a peasant family in the village of Cuiheng, China, but by 1904 he had a Hawaiian birth certificate and was officially a citizen of the United States. The wording on Sun Yat-sen's Hawaiian birth certificate reveals that at age 18 he "made application for a Certificate of Birth. And that it appears from his affidavit and the evidence submitted by witnesses that he was born in the Hawaiian Islands." Appears? It also appears that AKA Obama was born in Hawaii. Does the AKA Obama birth certificate on file with the State of Hawaii have language similar to the birth certificate of SunYat-sen?
The only way to know where AKA OBAMA was actually born is to view AKA OBAMA's original birth certificate on file in Hawaii to see what kind of birth certificate it is, and to examine what corroborating evidence supports what it says about AKA OBAMA's alleged place of birth. If the birth was in a hospital, as AKA OBAMA has maintained, such evidence would be the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor who delivered him.
Here is the information on Hawaiian law that makes it clear why we will never know the truth until we see the actual birth certificate.
The records of hospitals in Hawaii have been searched and there is no record of Stanley Ann Obama ever having given birth to a child. In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter, Maya Soetoro told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu. After it was concluded that Obama and his mother were never there in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Obama and Mom were never there either. AKA Obama has said he was born at Kapiolani Medical Center yet no hospital official has suggested that their facility should be designated as the birth place of a President. Odd!
Which is most likely?
• AKA Obama is hiding a conventional birth certificate issued by a hospital and signed by a doctor?
• AKA Obama is hiding a birth certificate attested to by witnesses with no hospital or doctor mentioned?
3. The birth document published on AKA Obama's web site isn't adequate evidence of place of birth even if it isn't a forgery
The Certification of Live Birth that was published on AKA OBAMA's campaign web site is not a Birth Certificate. It is easy to tell the difference between the two types of documents. It is very likely that the COLB used by AKA OBAMA's campaign is a fraudulent document. Several forensic document examiners have carefully scrutinized the COLB and declared it suspicious or an obvious forgery.
Forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines, a Former Federal Examiner with a long history of expert testimony in state and federal courts, has testified in an affidavit that states, in part:
Sandra Lines says, "I can state with certainty that the COLB presented on the internet by the various groups, which include the "Daily Kos," the Obama Campaign, "" and others cannot be relied upon as genuine. Dr. Polarik raises issues concerning the COLB that I can affirm. Software such as Adobe Photoshop can produce complete images or alter images that appear to be genuine; therefore, any image offered on the internet cannot be relied upon as being a copy of the authentic document." Sandra Ramsey Lines summary is posted at U. S. Law Blog.
Who Certified AKA Obama as "Natural Born" at FactCheck?
Joe Miller and Jess Henig, that's who! They are a couple of partisan Obots -- just what you'd expect -- Jess took the photos presented on their webpage and did all of the writing, while Bob basically held the COLB open for Jess to photograph. Those two are completely unqualified to perform any kind of forensic examination of any document, and knows it -- and so do Henig and Miller.
Here is another thing to consider. Birth Certificates might be protected by privacy laws in Hawaii but transactions for purchase should be available as public record. The COLB that AKA Obama offers as his proof (and has been deemed unreliable) just showed up without explanation. There is nothing from the State of Hawaii about AKA Obama requesting a copy of his BC. Obama, nor the DNC has come forward with evidence of a request for the copy so where did it come from? These cost $10 to get and if requested via the phone someone would have had to use a credit card or sent a check or money order by mail, yet, nothing is, or ever has been, offered as proof of even a request for the copy. Someone could have said here is a CC receipt, or a canceled check, or the remitter's copy of a money order.
Someone should have this without a doubt. Has anyone asked the State of Hawaii if there is a record of payment for a COLB from AKA Obama?
This is something that could even be forged easily but not even a forged receipt or record of payment of any kind has been offered.
Could the reason for this be that Obama's COLB is a forgery and no one even thought to forge a receipt for it from Hawaii?
No evidence of Hawaiian birth for AKA Obama. What about Kenya?
Obama's 'Certification of Live Birth' form reveals his Birth Registration was FILED in 1961 but was never fully ACCEPTED by the Hawaiian State Registrar's Office.
Hawaii is covering this up for political reasons to protect Obama. Only they know the ultimate reasons they are all willing to commit Misprision of Felony at this point in time given the mounting evidence that Obama was not physically born in Hawaii. Obama may have amended his record since 1961 to try to reinforce and cover up the original fraudulent filing. But his online COLB clearly shows that when it was FILED it was never finally ACCEPTED. This is a national disgrace that our entire system of laws including the Constitution and all legal records are being subverted and subordinated to cover up for Obama's continued fraud on the nation as to his true legal identity. What is so important about this one man that Hawaii is willing to see the nation destroyed by his corruption and lies from birth by his family and continued on all his life by Obama. The man is a grifter and conman. See this catalog of evidence that shows by the preponderance of the evidence that Hawaii and the nation are the victims of birth registration fraud by Obama's family in 1961:
As for AKA Obama's birth in Kenya we hear this from attorney Mario Apuzzo "We have not heard from one international, federal, state, or local police or security agency that Obama's birth place has been officially confirmed.
An Investigator working for Philip Berg, Esq. learned the following which is contained in the investigator's affidavit dated October 30, 2008, that was filed with a Federal District Court in the case of Berg v. Obama, O8-cv-04083: Obama's step-grandmother, Sarah Obama, told Bishop McRae, who was in the United States, during a telephonic interview on October 12, 2008, while she was in her home located in Alego-Kogello, Kenya, that was full of security police and people and family who were celebrating then-Senator Obama's success story, that she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya, not the United States (the English and Swahili conversation is recorded and available for listening). She was adamant about this fact not once but twice. The conversation which was placed on speaker phone was translated into English by "Kweli Shuhubia" and one of the grandmother's grandsons who were present with the grandmother in the house. After the grandmother made the same statement twice her grandson intervened, saying "No, No, No, He was born in the United States." During the interview, the grandmother never changed her reply that she was present when Obama was born in Kenya. The fact that later in the same interview she change her statement to say that Obama was born in Hawaii does not change the fact that she at first stated twice that she was present when Obama was born in Kenya. I cannot imagine a grandmother not knowing whether she was present or not at the birth of her American Senator and U.S. Presidential candidate grandson.
The investigator then personally went to the hospital in Mombassa, Kenya. He spoke with the Provincial Civil Registrar and he learned that there were records of Ann Dunham giving birth to "Barack Hussein Obama, III" in Mombassa, Kenya on August 4, 1961. The investigator then "spoke directly with an Official, the Principal Registrar, who openly confirmed the birthing records of Senator Barack H. Obama, Jr. and his mother were present, however, the file on Barack H. Obama, Jr. was classified and profiled. The Official explained Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. [sic] birth in Kenya is top secret. [H]e was further instructed to go to the Attorney General's Office and to the Minister in Charge of Immigration if [he] wanted further information."
It is alleged that the Kenyan government authorities have refused to cooperate and have thwarted all efforts by anyone to obtain any documents concerning Obama."
That is a real mind bender. Let's see; AKA Obama wasn't born in Kenya but his birth place is declared to be "top secret" by Kenyan officials. There are no records of AKA Obama being born in Kenya and those nonexistent records are being withheld and are "top secret". That sounds so much like what the official position of AKA Obama could be; "I have nothing to hide but I'm hiding it."
Another piece of information that many fail to realize is that in the birth certificate cases, all that is needed is for the case to be heard. This case will be over in the "Discovery" phase. Before a trial starts, both sides are required by the court to put all their cards on the table to avoid "trial by ambush." The judge orders all evidence to be presented by both sides. Since this case is about discovering documents that are hidden, the case will be decided by court-ordered presentation of all relevant records. Lawyers in birth certificate cases don't need to win a trial; they only need to get a trial.
For those of you who think ridicule and name calling are effective debate tactics, I refer your kool-aid drenched, tin foil protected brains (a dose of your own medicine) to this article from American Thinker: Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate .
What about the legal team that is keeping AKA OBAMA's college records hidden? Several people probably know what they are hiding. The best guess as to what is so secret isn't likely to be bad grades. More likely his admission papers will say he was a foreign student, or that he was receiving financial aid as a foreign student. How many people do you estimate already know what is on AKA OBAMA's college documents? Those records were handled routinely for more than 20 years. How many personnel in the registrar's offices of Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard University have seen AKA OBAMA's records and know what is in them? How many of those people would be willing to talk about it, or maybe even "leak" just one sheet of paper that would put even more cracks in AKA OBAMA's mirror? Is that number likely to be zero? Do you think that AKA OBAMA worries about how many people know something that could destroy his career? Fear of being "found out" is an obsession for NPD types. The Cost to hide Obama's past now 1.35 million.
So far we have only talked about the original birth certificate, supposedly locked up in Hawaii, and AKA OBAMA's draft and college records. Already the potential sources for leaks are numerous. And you can bet that AKA OBAMA and his lawyers are concerned about many more possible leaks than these.
There is a long list of vulnerability points for leaks, and there is a story behind every one of them. This list is one of many available and comes from one of my favorite blogs
• Original, vault copy birth certificate - Not released - Lawyers fees - greater than $1,000,000 - birth certificate - $15.
• Certification of Live Birth - Released - Counterfeit - Case and Affidavits
• Admitted British citizenship at birth - Confirmed via
• Birth Announcement - Alleged to be a forgery
• Obama/Dunham marriage license - Not released
• Obama/Dunham divorce - Released (by independent investigators)
• Soetoro/Dunham marriage license - Not released
• Soetoro adoption records - Not released
• Fransiskus Assisi School School application - Released (by independent investigators)
• Punahou School records - Not released
• Soetoro/Dunham divorce - Released (by independent investigators)
• Selective Service Registration - Released - Counterfeit - Document Locator Number update - another FOIA request
• Occidental College records - Not released
• Passport - Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser
• Columbia College records - Not released
• Columbia thesis - "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" - Not released
• Harvard College records - Not released
• Harvard Law Review articles - None
• Illinois Bar Records - Not released.
• Baptism certificate - None
• Medical records - Not released
• Illinois State Senate records - None
• Illinois State Senate schedule - Lost
• Law practice client list - Not released
• University of Chicago scholarly articles - None
• Kindergarten records - this" lost or hidden" incident deserves more detail:
"Obama began his education in Hawaii's public schools. He was enrolled in Ms. Sakai's kindergarten class at Noelani Elementary School in 1967. He was only there a couple or three months before he was off to Indonesia.
Those who strive to legitimize AKA Obama have made much of the questionable "birth announcement" that may have been published in the Hawaiian newspapers. This "evidence" if so flimsy that refuting it may actually lend substance to the claim.
There are literally dozens of anti-Birther articles in the media that continue to claim that AKA Obama's birth announcement was in "two different newspapers". These two newspapers are printed by the same publisher and share the same stories and sources. The purpose of this "two newspaper" claim is to falsely imply that these newspapers are independent of each other, and therefore, unlikely to run the same birth announcement.
Birth announcements were called in or mailed in all the time. The Nordyke twins were announced, then recently (about a year ago) that announcement was replaced with the AKA Obama one. And the original owner of the "birth" residence died about 2 years, before the newly discovered birth announcement was touted by the Obama campaign after AKA Obama's Hawaiian 'birth" was challenged. There is also evidence of splicing in the microfilm. The most likely scenario is that the Nordyke twin's birth announcement was spliced out and replaced by a post-dated AKA Obama announcement. The fact that the home address in the fake AKA Obama announcement was never occupied by Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, and that the birth announcement just happened to appear right after the actual tenant of the home died, pretty much drives a stake though the heart of this story. Here is WND's story about the birth address.
What we know for sure that makes aka Obama ineligible
There isn't one single, credible source that has any concrete facts whatsoever, that Obama was born in Hawaii.
Here's a surprise! Hawaii's Department of Education has been unable to find AKA Obama's Kindergarten records. By this time maybe you are no longer surprised.
Obama's Noelani Elementary School Kindergarten records, oddly missing from the State of Hawaii Department of Education, is the first in a series of chronological "coincidences" that obscure AKA Obama's history.
Although Obama has had a first-class education that spanned 25 years, there is only a single document that has ever been released, the application for entrance to the Franciscus Assisi Primary School (next item) -- and that document was discovered by independent investigators.
This is an important feature because Kindergarten records for original school entry would have contained the following:
1. Obama's REAL Birth Certificate.
2. An application with the following:
• His Legal name.
• Parents or Legal Guardians' names.
• Date of Birth
• Place of Birth
• Vaccination Records (revealing a timeline to the place and DOB.)
It also is important for two additional reasons:
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A. The Department of Education does not "lose" the records of one particular student. (So, who paid whom what sum to make this record disappear?)
B. There would have been NO shameful low-test scores, NO embarrassing Equal Opportunity advancements, and NO trails of fraudulent funding to hide that could possibly "excuse" the quashing of public school Kindergarten entry records. For the rest of his life he attended very expensive private schools and has had his records legally sealed to deny the public his true life story.
This is different. Hawaii should be able to verify he attended their school since he is featured in class photographs. State and federal tax dollars paid for his initial year of education. Why is there no documentation?
This is the beginning of an intentionally erased life of a fraud and conman and it reeks of complicity by officials within the State of Hawaii's Dept. of Health and Dept. of Education." Hat tip to Don Fredrick at
International columnist Mark S. McGrew sums up AKA Obama's missing history succinctly:
"With all of Obama's different names, with his documented long term relations to convicted criminals, with his active efforts to prohibit us from knowing where he was born, with his active efforts to keep us from seeing his credentials, with his documented registration to practice law, professing to have only one name, with his being an ex-attorney not authorized to practice law, but representing himself as such, with his non-existent "Office of The President Elect," with the dozen or so lawsuits against him to determine his citizenship status, with the various promises he made to voters and on which he has since reneged, with his documented lack of respect to America, with his refusal to salute the American flag with others on stage or even to stand at attention, and his other disrespectful actions, with his many millions of dollars in campaign funds suspected to be from foreign sources, with campaign donations accepted from possible terrorists groups, . . . Obama has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he can not in any way, shape or form be trusted."
I would ask the reader to accept the premise that there are many potential leaks from those things that are being kept hidden by a man who promised transparency in government. But there are other problems from sources that are not hidden.
AKA OBAMA himself has made it known that his father was from Kenya.
We know that records indicate that AKA OBAMA's biological father was Barack Obama SR, a Kenyan native, and a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama SR's offspring. We know that the geographical location of AKA OBAMA's birth is not considered by British law. Who the father was determines citizenship, not where you are born. Had AKA OBAMA been born in Tokyo or Texas he would still be a citizen of the United Kingdom under The British Nationality Act. A similar practice governs who is considered a citizen in several countries. Judaism is matrilineal, meaning that your mother's, lineage determines whether you are a Jew. That is why Jews from all over the world can claim Israeli citizenship.
British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.
In other words, at the time of his birth, AKA OBAMA might have been a U.S. citizen (by virtue of his allegedly being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UKC.
Obama's British citizenship was short-lived. On Dec. 12, 1963, Kenya formally gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Chapter VI, Section 87 of the Kenyan Constitution specifies that:
1. Every person who, having been born in Kenya is, on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963...
2. Every person who, having been born outside Kenya is, on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall, if his father becomes, or would but for his death have become, a citizen of Kenya by virtue of subsection (1), becomes a citizen of Kenya on the 12th of December, 1963.
As a citizen of the UKC who was born in Kenya, Obama's father automatically received Kenyan citizenship via subsection (1). So given that Obama qualified for citizen of the UKC status at birth and given that Obama's father became a Kenyan citizen via subsection (1), it follows that Obama did in fact have Kenyan citizenship after 1963.
So we know for sure that, if OBAMA Sr is in fact his legal father, then AKA OBAMA was a citizen of the United Kingdom and then Kenya. Given all the efforts to keep his birth certificate hidden, it is reasonable to assume that he is not a citizen of the United States, but even if he were born in downtown Denver he would still have triple citizenship, and is thus ineligible to hold the office of President.
There is a similar problem with AKA OBAMA's possible Indonesian citizenship. School records have surfaced that clearly indicate AKA OBAMA being listed as a "Muslim" with "Indonesian" citizenship.
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So AKA OBAMA has been a citizen of the UK, Kenya, and there are inconclusive documents indicating that he was also a citizen of Indonesia. The missing birth certificate may be a false clue that leads away from the big crime. Even if Obama were born in Hawaii* he would still be ineligible to serve as President because of his dual (perhaps triple) citizenship.
*not likely, given the effort expended to keep the information about his birth a secret. By AKA OBAMA's and Bob Bauer, AKA OBAMA's Lead Lawyer's, own reports, AKA OBAMA has spent Hundreds of thousands of Dollars on legal fees defending against lawsuits claiming that he is not eligible. Why would AKA OBAMA spend that much money to hide a $10 Birth Certificate?
"Don't be distracted by the birth certificate and Indonesian issues. They are irrelevant to Senator Obama's ineligibility to be President. Since Barack Obama's father was a Citizen of Kenya, and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of Senator Obama's birth, then Senator Obama was a British Citizen "at birth," just like the Framers of the Constitution, and therefore, even if he were to produce an original birth certificate proving he were born on US soil, he still wouldn't be eligible to be President." Leo C. Donofrio
The facts are clear, and the law is clear. All it will take is for a judge to issue a ruling. Do you think AKA OBAMA and his lawyers fret about this? They certainly are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight this issue. So far, no court or judge has issued a ruling on the merits of any legal case against AKA OBAMA. Cases have been dismissed on legal technicalities, but no actual case has yet been heard.
There are other potential leaks that come from AKA OBAMA's international history. If Obama was born in Kenya, there should be a record of that birth in UK records. There are probably people in England and Kenya who already have information that would put cracks in AKA OBAMA's distorted reflection of himself, and there is other information that can be mined from archives. The same is true for Indonesia.
In the unlikely outcome that none of the people talk, and none of the documents surface, would AKA OBAMA than be free of obsessive fear of being found out? No, even if none of his secrets are revealed and none of his lies are exposed, he will continue to remain vulnerable.
Because of the way AKA OBAMA ran his campaign; donations from Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, donations from illegal foreign sources, and ACORN's crimes; More than half the voter registrations turned in by ACORN canvassers during the last election were not valid, according to testimony to be presented before a House Judiciary subcommittee, etc, AKA Obama is subject to criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code, federal campaign finance laws, and laws against voter registration fraud, according to a memo by Cleta Mitchell, co-chairman of the Republican National Lawyers Association. In spite of all this Congressional Democrats still want ACORN to be eligible for federal money.
This is the first president in history to flout election campaign laws and receive millions from foreign countries (including Gaza), blockbusting stories that broke at Atlas all during the campaign.
• "Obama's overseas (foreign) contributors are making multiple small donations, ostensibly in their own names, over a period of a few days, some under maximum donation allowances, but others are aggregating in excess of the maximums when all added up."
• The contributions had come from over 50 specifically named countries and major cities.
• "Thousands of Obama's foreign donations ended
in cents." U.S. contributors very rarely contribute in anything other than whole dollar amounts, so the reason why contributions would end with anything other than ".00″ would almost always involve foreign currency translation.
Regardless of how lively an election season might be, a new study shows that more 3.3 million voters on current registration rolls across the country are dead. Another 12.9 million remain on voter registration lists in an area where they no longer live. The analysis was conducted by the Aristotle International Inc., a technology company specializing in political campaigns, developing software and databases for politicians. In total that means about 8.9 percent of all registered voters fall under the category of "deadwood" voters on the rolls, the term for voters who should no longer be eligible to vote in a precinct.
You may have noticed that the usual role of the media in ferreting out high jinks in high places has not been mentioned. There is no "All The President's Men" movie in the making. No one is being considered for a Pulitzer Prize for investigating AKA OBAMA. Is journalism dead in America? Well no, not quite.
Somebody, a major news outlet executive, has done the Pulitzer research. On his To The Point News website, Dr. Jack Wheeler said he will "Let the source of the information reveal it, in his own time. "...the details of what he told me are for him to reveal when he chooses, not me. I can tell you it is OMG wild."
So get ready folks. One of these days I will be asking all of you AKA Obama fans to, "All together now, say OMG!"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Nick sticks his Neck out, missle strike by Jews August 2010
Well if the Jews do bomb Iran it can only be by Missile
launched probably from both their ground and subs.
With a Jet Fighter Gambit, like in Chess, get it ?
August 24 2010 Tuesday
or not?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Be sure to celebrate Earth Day you Lovers!

How Climate Change Became a Crisis
06/12/2009 · Have you ever wondered how Climate Change became a crisis? How is it that all of a sudden we went from the next Ice Age creeping over the earth in the 1970s, to the ozone burning away, the artic caps melting off, and cute fuzzy polar bears dying, in less than 30 years?
The crisis of the 21st century, a crisis that requires immediate and drastic changes to the way we live. The better question would be How did Al Gore manage to make a $100 million and collect a Nobel Prize even after his Convenient Fraud was debunked? I’ll get to that later.
The answer is Ira Einhorne. Well, at least in part.
Unless you’re a history junkie like me that name probably rings familiar but you don’t remember where you’ve heard it. If you’re a fan of America’s Most Wanted, the name is more familiar from the international manhunt that eventually sent the 1960s peacenik to prison for life. “Ira Einhorne took an ax, and gave is girlfriend 40 … ” Wait, that was Lizzy Borden. Einhorne did, however, murder his girlfriend, chop her into stuffable chunks, and put her in his trunk where he could take her out and play with her whenever he wanted. Yes, that Ira Einhorne. The “Unicorn Killer.”
During the 1960s, Einhorne was at the forefront of the peace movement and counted among his friends Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, but his main interest was “Green Politics.” Einhorne, according to some who were there at the time, was a key founder of Earth Day.
How did these whack jobs gain traction in the mainstream, you ask? Well, the short-form answer is the late U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, who claimed credit for the Earth Day founding, but believe me, no U.S. senator ever had an original thought. No, it was Einhorne and an incestuous tangle, if you will, of academics, anarchists and career college kids who grew up and went into “public service.”
In the 1970s these groups of hippies and yuppies in the Green Movement came into a harmonic convergence of sorts with James Lovelock, the progenitor of the “Gaia hypothesis,” and the “greening” of the earth kicked into high gear. Oprah Winfrey is reputed to be a gaian, although not all gaians are greenies. Although Lovelock diverges from the greenies somewhat, his philosophy that the earth is a living organism, is still the mainstay of their crusade.
Let’s fast forward to post-2000-election Albert Gore, who grew his beard and sat around the house eating Ding Dongs by the case, until Tipper told him to get a job and threw him out. Gore has a whopper-telling history longer than the information superhighway. He has claimed to be the model character in Love Story, a claim the author has since debunked. His Internet creation story is old news. Gore’s tall tales are near legendary.
And his scam of Manmade Global Warming is a myth, having nothing to do with climate change. It has everything to do with Gaian Greenies’—most of whom have been active in every leftwing cause of the past three decades—destroying capitalism. They count in their ranks members of PETA, Code Pink, Save the Whale, Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood, and, yes, ACORN.
Now we know—as if anyone had to tell us—that the Earthers have been cooking the books for 30 years, just as Al cooked his data for an Inconvenient Truth. And the Obama Administration has adopted an energy policy that not only will not effect the climate by one nano-degree in 1000 years, but will cost American jobs by the thousands and raise energy cost by billions over coming decades.
So where does that leave Al Gore? It makes him the latest in a long line of opportunistic hucksters, another P.T Barnum, nothing more than a snake oil salesman with friends in high places, and a carbon footprint bigger than Maine.
But it all began with an ax murderer named Ira Einhorne, whose latest project is escaping maximum-security lockdown.
Hey Gay Lord did you ever meet Ira ? What a pair of lovers joined at their Assholes
Friday, April 16, 2010
SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of civil fraud
Teee Heee HeeeI TOLD YOU LOVERS DIDN'T I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEPTEMBER 29TH 2009, GET IT?!?!?!
SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of civil fraud
SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of fraud in failing to disclose conflict in mortgage securities
Related Quotes
Symbol | Price | Change |
GS | 158.95 | -25.32 |
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government has accused
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced Friday civil fraud charges against the Wall Street powerhouse and one of its vice presidents. The agency alleges Goldman failed to disclose that one of its clients helped create -- and then bet against -- subprime mortgage securities that Goldman sold to investors.
Investors in the mortgage securities are alleged to have lost more than $1 billion, the SEC noted. The agency is seeking to recoup profits reaped on the deal.
The Goldman client implicated in the fraud is one of the world's largest hedge funds, Paulson & Co., which paid Goldman roughly $15 million for structuring the deals in 2007.
The civil lawsuit filed by the SEC in federal court in Manhattan was the government's most significant legal action related to the mortgage meltdown that ignited the financial crisis and helped plunge the country into recession. The SEC's enforcement chief said the agency is investigating a wide range of practices related to the crisis.
The agency also charged a Goldman vice president, Fabrice Tourre, 31, who it said was principally responsible for devising the deal and marketing the securities.
The SEC is seeking unspecified fines and restitution from
Goldman told investors that a third party, ACA Management LLC, had selected the underlying mortgages in the investment. But, the SEC alleges, Goldman misled investors by failing to disclose that Paulson & Co. also played a role in selecting the mortgages and stood to profit from their decline in value.
"Goldman wrongly permitted a client that was betting against the mortgage market to heavily influence which mortgage securities to include in an investment portfolio, while telling other investors that the securities were selected by an independent, objective third party," SEC Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami said in a statement.
The SEC charges come less than 10 days after
In an annual letter to shareholders, Goldman said it began reducing its exposure to the U.S. mortgage market in late 2006. It said it did so by selling mortgage-related investments or buying credit default swaps. The swaps are a form of insurance that pays out if the value of the underlying asset declines.
Those hedges, also known as short positions, served Goldman well. As the housing market began cratering and losses piled up for the biggest banks, Goldman suffered less damage. That led to criticism that the bank benefited at the expense of clients who bought mortgage-backed securities that later became toxic. Goldman steadfastly denied that.
"Our short positions were not a 'bet against our clients,'" Goldman said in the letter. "Rather, they served to offset our long positions. Our goal was, and is, to be in a position to make markets for our clients while managing our risk within prescribed limits."
In the letter, Goldman also rejected claims that it profited from the mortgage market meltdown.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Why is Chevron Selling out Boys and Girls? WHY ?!?!
Chevron Corp. said Tuesday it will cut 2,000 jobs this year and sell some overseas operations as it revamps its struggling refinery, marketing and transportation operations.
The job cuts represent almost 12 percent of its 17,000 workers in the so-called downstream part of its business and just over 3 percent of its overall work force.
Executives of the second-largest U.S. oil producer are still deciding where and when they will eliminate the jobs as they try to complete the restructuring by the third quarter, company spokesman Lloyd Avram said. Additional cuts are expected next year.
Chevron said it will also seek bids for the Pembroke refinery in southwest Wales, and fuels marketing, aviation and lubricants businesses in the Caribbean and some markets in Central America.
Oil refineries, which turn crude into gasoline, diesel and other fuels, struggled amid rising oil prices and falling demand last year. In addition, new refineries are being built.
"Downstream conditions are likely to be difficult for the next several years," Mike Wirth, executive vice president of Chevron's global downstream business, said in a statement.
Argus Research analyst Phil Weiss said he believes Chevron is making the right move but he questions whether the producer will get a good price for the assets in the difficult business environment which has affected the entire sector.
Chevron has said it will reduce spending by $1 billion this year on downstream businesses, which include refining, marketing and transportation.
Chevron wants to focus its downstream portfolio in North America and the Asian-Pacific region, and is shifting its production toward natural gas and Asian assets.
In addition to seeking bids for the Pembroke refinery and for fuels marketing, aviation and lubricants businesses in the Caribbean and Central America, Chevron said it is reviewing refinery operations in Hawaii and other undisclosed operations outside South Africa, Avram said.
The company, which is based in San Ramon, Calif., said severance charges are expected to range between $150 million and $200 million on an after-tax basis in the first quarter.
The company has about 60,000 employees worldwide, including about 17,000 in downstream operations that include refining, marketing and retail operations. It laid off 1,900 employees in downstream operations last year.
Shares of Chevron fell 4 cents to $74.60 in midday trading Tuesday.
Peak Oil Peak Oil Peak Oil mmm mmm mmm
...has all the sweet stuff been sucked up?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Second Phase Of Mortgage Defaults Part 2.avi
YUP it's really gonna suck! Thankyou Papa Bush and Prez BO!
OH and let's not forget Nacy Pooplousie and Bwany Fwankenstein. Go ahead and laugh we'll all be crying dry tears soon enough!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
China to Invade Taiwan by end of 2011
1- China to Invade Taiwan by end of 2010/11, hard to tell anything exactly with the Chinese :)
2- Iran Feb 11, 2010, ya I told you so !
3- Prez BO to step down soon!
The GREAT Sucking sound to continue...