Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gold, Stocks and the US Dollar


Above link is VERY VERY intersting. YOU are being deceived !



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Merry Christmas Prez Obama

10 smarty pants on fire...

  1. There is nothing real about this recovery. It is totally built upon government influx of funds into the markets. Not to mention Uncle Sam is borrowing money from other countries to make us feel like all is well. That practice is going to end soon enough.
  2. The policies pursued by this administration are no different than they would be if a Republican administration were in office. Many view this as a GOP vs. a Democrat thing. It is not. Both administrations receive the same advice which is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and our money system. These problems WILL NOT be resolved until the aforementioned is understood. This is unfortunate because it need not be this way. Read more at
  3. I work, I save, I buy something. When I lose my job I won't work, I won't save, and I won't buy anything more than the basic necessities. Anybody else on this plan?
  4. It's funny watching people try to combine two different goals in the same sentence. The global elite are accomplishing their goal of redistributing global wealth and increasing central control along the way. They are successfully using double speak and fiat money to confuse the slaves along the way. In the end, a small group of men will control the resources, including human resources (numbered slaves) of the entire planet.
  5. If the 'recovery' isn't real what is to stop "them" from faking a boom post tax hike. It is all a con game anyway. Recovery now, Boom time tomorrow in the matrix.
  6. Interesting article. I read an article in the local newspaper saying how the region unemployment actuall dropped from 10.8% to 10.1% from September to October. The editor further propagandized the masses by quoting much of the recent Wall Street successes as further indication of great things coming. When studying the employment picture, the drop was FACTUALLY attributed to people just giving up trying to find work and rolling off the dole.The Wall Street estimates are all laced with much merriment and hubris for the future, whereas the present shows something quite different. Governmental programs designed to stimulate have enriched foreign auto companies, Wall Street sharks, Crooked Banks and more politicians than are revealed, or exposed. Posters have bragged about their huge profits since March which brings them back to 60% of where they started... and they are now getting ready to ride the wave to even greater wealth. You still haven't figured out that jobless recoveries are not recoveries. You still need to deal with jobs or the Federal Debt grows. Regardless of what you want to believe, that is not being addressed. If anything, the government is responding very slowly to infusing money into the small business environment. What is incredulous is the fact that this administration is willing to allow the suffering of the middleclass to the extent it has. These are the people that voted these bums into office and these bums literally shit in a bag and told them it's lunch. Surprisingly, the people accepted it?? People have been out of work for a long time and all this administration knows how to do is extend benefits. Extend benefits and jobs go offshore and guest workers are coming to this country in huge numbers. The NEA gets stimulus funds to further education while college tuition goes up across the country?? A thank you to the NEA for the support maybe? Recent college grads with huge debts are finding the job market bare as the guest workers come in and take their jobs. The college grads are another group strongly supporting this administration and no one considers refinancing those student loans, while deadbeat subprimers get all of Barney Franks' support. Yeah, let's all worry about the Federal debt, healthcare, Cap&Trade, banks, and Wall Street. The actual heartbeat of America, the people that put this administration in office, is getting tossed aside as Wall Street and the Banks make huge amounts of money from the sheeple... I now understand why people say never underestimate the stupidity of the American voting public.
  7. The Bailout is a small recovery (bubble) that the government has created to slow the markets downward trend. Don't be fooled, bad debt is bad debt. It doesn't go away easily like we would like to believe without the economy feeling the pain and going through the corrective movements that will eventually bring us back to a prosperous economy. But first thing is first. Although the banking industry and government would like you to think , and has been taught for the last 100 years, that Debt is the only way to grow the economy, it is BS. Growth through debt financing allows banks to make easy money and HUGE margins and Government to give "good" reasons to tax the H--LL out of Americans when it all falls apart. Cause you know, we gotta save the economy through big bailouts after the banks make their fortunes. Big banks win in this game either way. And taxation is not only good for the big banks but it is good for big government!
  8. What continues to make me chuckle about this is the fact that people can't seem to differentiate between the Market and the Economy. Connected...but it should be obvious to EVERYONE at this point that they are CLEARLY NOT THE SAME THING. True, stocks are doing great, considering most are rebounding from historic lows. But, why don't you talk to one of the millions of people with an underwater mortgage or a newfound "employment problem" and tell them just how great everything is right now. Hooray, ONLY 263K people lost their jobs last month! I don't know about you, but I feel like celebrating! Ahh, good times...good times.
  9. The Democrat policy is based on democrat logic. Can you expect anything different? They think they are being abused by the real producers and they are going to get it back for the the deserving. I wish They realized that they themselves are hundreds of times more abusive than the other party. and it appears 100's of times more dishonest. But they will not because beliefs are what all religions require. And Democrats are a very religious group of people who ignore the facts and act on their own beliefs. Ironic many of the samre people who try to crush Christianity because it is religion also worship their own beliefs. With the ignorant in charge, you can expect more of the same stupidity until reality hits hard. Have no fear: excuses for what is will exist until they fail to find excuses that blame others. And they have a very big imagination!
  10. this market recovery has never been real // This is just DUMBO-Ma throwing money into the market through other people so it does not get traced back to the FEDS because it's illegal // eventually the $$$ will run out // and by the way he is using our money // when the $$$$ runs out this market will come crashing so hard that people will be jumping out the windows because they will be ruined

SATAN SAYS "Have a great last Thanks Giving Meal" the way, "Bank Earnings UP but Manufacturing in the the F_CK does that work?"

Friday, October 16, 2009

Down up over 10,000...and...mmm mmm mmm

FALLING, Bank of America [Bank of America's global card services unit loss widened significantly to $1.04 billion from $167 million a year ago.
The loss in the bank's home loans and insurance division grew to $1.6 billion from $54 million a year ago, as credit costs continued to rise.], Halliburton, Sony, etc etc

Top TEN Genious remarks;

  1. The worker drones still believe in their 401k plans. Now that's laughable!
  2. V shaped.. boom time.. buy investment properties and FLIP em.. it's time to move DOW going to pffftttt.. who needs jobs... the Market is all that counts AND IT'S BOOMING... don't worry obama will take care of the market... want a job? that is so last administration.. don't need no stinkin job with obama.. LOOK, HE IS GIVING $250 BUCKOS OUT NOW.. obama has OBAMASTASH.. see what he did in deetroitt... obama STASH... is all that's needed and obama has it.. plenty of STASH.. so the MARKET is the winning lottery ticket.. get with it and praise the market... these 'fake ' unemployment figures... just trying to diss obama .. obama has GREEN AND SHOVEL READY JOBS FOR EVERYONE.. AHHH.. LIFE IS GOOD, THE MARKET IS UP AND OBAMA WANTS TO GIVE FREE HEALTH CARE AND PEOPLE ARE BALKING AT IT? HURRUMPH... LET'S SING MMM MMM MMMM
  3. Big deal...Dow 10,000...what is there to realistically celebrate? It's only illusionary wealth as the US dollar isn't worth as much as the paper it's printed on. The banks are back to big bonus and earnings thanks to the US taxpayer bailouts and companies show an increase not because they increased earnings but because they have cut working hours, scaled back inventories and cut job positions. The US hardly manufactures any tangible items here in the US...where are the jobs? New bubbles are being created and isn't it why we are in this mess in the 1st place? Rah Rah Dow 10, 000....nothing has truly improved.
  4. Wall Street and the executive class have been able to skim the returns out from under shareholders of public corporations because the new investor class is comprised mostly of ignorant passbook savers, not real, knowledgeable investors. Thus, ten years with negative real fact, negative nominal returns, if you add in transaction costs and carrying charges.
  5. A surge in the gold price cometh, perhaps imminently. In the next several weeks, the gold price might jump quickly to the $1500 level. A contact with excellent access to gold transaction information and developments has shared that the sharp price rise could come very soon "due to certain transactions that are being consummated at this very moment. Even if the Boyz try to hold own or depress the price, it will do them no good. The pressure that has been built up is uncontrollable. We shall see some big banks hit the wall very soon (weeks/months). The market will take over in very short order from here on forward." A phase has begun to remove illicit corrupt controls on the gold & silver market, from demand of physical bullion. The same source told a story about events at the London Bullion Market Assn. That market is to London what the COMEX is to the United States, both deep in corruption and government interference, where grossly inadequate metal inventory exists to maintain their charades of markets, each dominated by paper pricing. They manage paper markets for syndicates in total illegal operations. Several large gold futures contract holders are demanding physical delivery in London. The LBMA does not have the metal in inventory. The officials have offered the futures contract holders cash plus 25% dividend for settlement without gold delivery. The contract holders refused. They want their fuchn gold (using a French term by the source, my unique palatable spelling)!!! There was very high volume involved in the contracts. The standoff is not settled. It could go to court. The London authorities are trying desperately to keep the story from hitting the press. It helps to have the syndicate in control of the press networks. The Bank of England and one other European member central bank are working feverishly to fill the contract order, but unfortunately they are using very old gold bars that are reportedly only 90% gold. That invites a new potential challenge. The gold market could soon explode and possibly work toward a convergent fair market. My hint is that it is Germans and Swiss with other Europeans are working diligently and pointedly to kill off the US-UK bank nazis. A LBMA and COMEX bust and default is visible on the horizon. See the Jackass article entitled "Hitman Contracts to Bust Comex" (CLICK HERE) dated in May 27. It would include big bank ruin and legal prosecution. The same source hinted that the ruin of commodity exchanges could coincide with the bust of JPMorgan. So, based upon the London incident, gold has a real price of near $1300.
  6. Now all you brainiacs, where do suppose those Obama bucks come from,, , TAXES, which, have to go up, because spending never goes down, wait until that shoe drops!
  7. Dollar hit a new low again today. Coinkydink?
  8. Here is a theory?, when the DOW goes to 10,000+ the Volume drops, as stock becomes over-valued, inflated, no substance (Sep 08), with no where to go? Ergo, drop the DOW to 6500, as in March, then there is the Historical factor to rely on that the Market will go back up to 10,000 the following Oct? Buy Low, Sell High, Bubba! No Fundamental base, just cyclical deviations & fluctuations of Quantum Sector Analysis (QSA). But, this time, the Harvard School of Case Studies, has trained Pavlov's Dog! Say you Dr Greg?
  9. Alot of investors are about to cash out - I've already done so. You're a fool if you are invested in a market where the S & P 500 P/E ratio for the 3rd quarter is at 139, only eclipsed by it's 2nd quarter performance at 144. Historically, any market with a P/E ration over 20 has soon come crashing down. The price to earnings ratio can only be adjusted down in three ways; earnings improve, stock prices fall, or some combination thereof. FACT: the P/E ration is a time-tested primary indicator for investing in a stock and we are in the most price-inflated market, but not overbought curiously enough, in the history of the markets. Stocks are NOT cheap and anyone that argues this point is an imbecile. Meanwhile, the dollar keeps crashing down to new lows. Combine this with all the money the Government is printing, and sooner or later (more likely sooner) logic will actually prevail in the market and the manipulation of the markets will come to an end.
  10. Not all traders are making money. Stock market is a zero sum game. When you sell high, someone else buys high. Aggregate result is 0. Only the few traders will make money at others expense. You think you can beat Goldman? Read on then:


""Bad news on losses all of you that bought stocks cheap sell quick before all the rich people that bought tons of stock decide to unload and make mega bucks // dow at 10,000 that's what they were waiting for the bears are going to stampede really soon""

SATAN SAY: "Buy some Canuck Bucks NOW, and make a bundle ! " are
all dum dums, the stocks are only going up in relative value, as the dollar plummets, relative to the basket of currency. Ahhh yes the basket of currency, made in China.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

September 29th 2009, New Russian AA system up and ready for Iran

In addition, Iran has already built some war heads for their missles, and that they will be ready to test out their first A bomb with the help of Russia, by the end of next year. This year of course they have a Russian AA system up and ready for the 29th. If Israel now tries something, it will be a total disaster, ...even with stealth planes? Very simply the 29th of September 2009, was the very last day Israel could have done something about Iran's Nuke program, short of using the bomb themselves now.

SATAN SAYS;"ON the Square and Level Brother"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Arguing with Idiots by President BO or the Emperor has NO Clothes

LOU LOU does it AGAIN!

US to split into 6 pieces in 2010